V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Peer-review medical journal



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The goal of the journal is to provide clinicians with practical information on new methods to diagnose and treat diseases of the female reproductive system as well as on the possible complications of extragenital disorders and their impact on the reproductive system.

The target audience of the journal includes not only obstetricians and gynecologists, but also endocrinologists, general practitioners, urologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, neonatologists, pediatricians, fetal surgeons, and pharmacologists.
The journal discusses achievements in obstetrics and gynecology in Russia and the rest of the world, clinical cases, issues of terminology, diagnostics, patient management techniques, and methods of teaching obstetrics and gynecology. The journal especially focuses on the diverse effects of drugs on the female reproductive system (and other systems), the fetus, and the further development of the infant.

The journal features articles and lectures on relevant topics in obstetrics, gynecology, and allied medical fields, abstracts of important publications from other journals, and reviews of monographs. The journal also disseminates information on meetings, conferences, and symposia held in Russia and the rest of the world.




  • Russian Science Citation Index
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  • Ulrich's Periodicals directory
  • CrossRef
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Types of accepted articles:

  • systematic reviews and meta-analysis;
  • results of original research;
  • plain-text reviews;
  • clinical case reports and series of clinical cases;
  • editorials;
  • datasets;
  • letters to the editor;
  • short communications.  

Publication & distribution

  • in English and Russian
  • Issues quarterly, 4 issues per year
  • Continuously publication in Online First mode
  • No APC
  • Hybrid Access: subscription and OA; Oppen Access articles distribute under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License

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'V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology' journal accepted for indexing in SCOPUS

Posted: 20.07.2023


The 'V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology' journal has been successfully evaluated and accepted for indexing in the SCOPUS database.

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All articles published in the journal from 2023 are subject for indexation.


Current Issue

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Vol 11, No 2 (2024)

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Anorexia nervosa: a new look at an old problem
Sosnova E.A., Sarkisyan R.A., Akhmetgaryaev E.R., Svidinskaya E.A., Ageev M.B.

In Russia, according to Rosstat, approximately 2.5% of adolescents suffer from anorexia. In Moscow, according to 2015 data, at least 5% of young women suffered from anorexia; however, most experts believe that the true figures are much higher because only advanced cases are documented. The relevance of the problem of anorexia nervosa is associated with its potential threat to the lives of patients, eating disorders, concomitant mental diseases, and, in general, the deterioration of mental status. Despite the apparent simplicity of diagnosis, patients with advanced stages of anorexia nervosa that require long-term therapy are more likely to seek a doctor’s help. Anorexia requires a comprehensive treatment approach, including psychopharmacotherapy, psychological influence, diet therapy, therapy of somatic pathology, and concomitant complications. All these aspects of treatment must be implemented simultaneously. The key to success is the constant monitoring of therapy by a psychiatrist. Malnutrition will result in the deterioration of general health, particularly in girls with menstrual disorders, complications associated with conception and gestation, and a difficult pregnancy. Thus, this condition must be considered from the point of view of psychiatry, obstetrics, and gynecology.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):105-113
pages 105-113 views


Genital tuberculosis as a socially significant disease
Verbitskii M.V., Permyakova S.A., Paskannaya A.V., Svidinskaya E.A., Baburin D.V., Sosnova E.A.

Globally, tuberculosis (TB) is the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases after COVID-19. TB of the female genital organs is a type of extrapulmonary TB. Clinically pronounced and latent forms of TB can cause both primary and secondary infertility because of pathogenetic damage to the structure of the fallopian tubes and changes in the susceptibility of the uterine endometrium. Although the true prevalence of genital TB is unknown, it is still a very relevant problem in Russia. This assumption is based on the projected growth of indicators of extrapulmonary TB, an obvious discrepancy between the real incidence and the official figures, and increasing incidence of tubal–peritoneal infertility, which is often caused by genital TB. The diagnosis of TB of the female genital organs is challenging because it does not have specific (so-called “marker”) manifestations. Low diagnostics rates of extrapulmonary TB create a false sense of well-being, which does not reflect its true epidemiological picture. Thus, at present, an optimal diagnostic complex, which would hasten the diagnosis of genital TB in women and consequently prevent the occurrence of associated irreversible changes in the female reproductive system, must be developed. Scientific databases CyberLeninka, ELibrary, and PubMed were searched for relevant articles using the following keywords: “tuberculosis”, “genital tuberculosis”, “infertility and tuberculosis”. Articles published over the past 10 years were analyzed.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):115-124
pages 115-124 views
Ultrasound examination in the antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum
Efimova V.A., Murashko A.V.

The rise in cesarean section rates worldwide has greatly increased the rates of placenta accreta spectrum. Accurate diagnostics of placenta accreta spectrum before delivery is still difficult, as one-half to two-thirds of placenta accreta spectrum cases remain undiagnosed until delivery. Local and foreign studies reported the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography (US) as the most commonly used method for placenta accreta spectrum imaging because of its inexpensiveness, noninvasiveness, and swiftness. This review highlighted the possibilities of prenatal US diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum. Diagnostic accuracy may be reduced by the localization of the placenta in the posterior wall and a higher body mass index. US and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are highly specific and useful in diagnosing or ruling out placenta accreta spectrum. Unlike MRI, the accuracy of US depends on the qualification; therefore, single-center studies often overestimate the accuracy of US. More studies of the diagnostic methods for placenta accreta spectrum are needed for the selection of logical obstetric techniques for managing pregnant women with this pathology.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):125-136
pages 125-136 views
Influence of occupational factors on the development of gynecologic pathology in flight attendants in civil aviation
Nasyrova N.I., Yurovskiy A.Y., Overko A.V., Ozolinya L.A.

The literature review reflects the main possible gynecological pathologies and their causes in female flight attendants. These diseases are serious problems for all women; however, aviation professionals are at a higher risk. The article examined various factors that can contribute to the development of not only gynecological diseases but also breast cancer and venous thrombosis in female flight attendants. Risk factors include long-term exposure to ionizing radiation, static stress, jet lag, and chronic stress. The review also analyzed existing studies related to the effect of occupational exposure on the health of flight attendants and suggested possible measures for the prevention and treatment of emerging pathologies, which can serve as a basis for the development of effective programs to preserve the health of female flight attendants.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):137-146
pages 137-146 views
Role of epilepsy in women’s reproductive function
Orchinskaya A.V., Degtereva K.V., Zotova S.A., Aminov N.M., Korotkova I.F., Vagapova A.Z., Zavidova A.S., Poplavskaya Y.S., Usova A.V., Aleksandrova V.V., Zhukova E.P., Aslanyan A.A., Muradova L.M.

According to the World Health Organization, epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide, affecting approximately 50 million people. In 2020, the overall prevalence of epilepsy in the Russian Federation was 2.49 patients per 1,000 population, and 366,134 patients with epilepsy were registered in Russia. Approximately 40% of patients with epilepsy are women of reproductive age. The course of epilepsy in women of reproductive age has its characteristics, which are associated with daily and monthly cyclic rhythms. Epilepsy has various physiological consequences owing to the use of antiepileptic pharmaceutical therapy. This review aimed to summarize up-to-date information on the effect of epilepsy on women’s reproductive health. Electronic databases of PubMed, eLibrary, and Google Scholar were searched for relevant publications. The following keywords and their combinations were included in the search strategy: “epilepsy”, “reproductive health”, “sex hormones”, “pregnancy”, “menstrual cycle”, “fetal”, “neonatal”, “epilepsy”, “reproductive health”, “sex hormones”, “pregnancy”, “menstrual cycle”, “fetal”, and “neonatal”. The search was conducted among studies published before December 2023. Women are particularly concerned about epilepsy throughout their reproductive years. Infertility rates increased in people experiencing psychological stress and impaired physiological processes that support reproductive health. Thus, doctors must examine the physiological effects of antiepileptic and anticonvulsant drugs. The main goal of therapy is to provide women with epilepsy with a seizure-free life, excellent overall well-being, and improved health. The current plan is achievable if the practitioner is familiar with the sexual effects of epilepsy at the molecular level. However, modern treatment methods cannot be available to every woman because of limited resources.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):147-158
pages 147-158 views

Original study articles

An original method of surgical correction of enterocele using a titanium implant with transobturator-sacrospinal fixation
Ishchenko A.I., Kazantsev A.A., Ishchenko A.A., Khokhlova I.D., Dzhibladze T.A., Gorbenko O.Y., Chushkov Y.V., Gadaeva I.V., Komarova A.D., Ozdemir A.G., Moskvicheva A.P.

AIM: This study aimed to optimize the outcomes of surgical treatment of enterocele using the original model of “titanium silk” mesh implants with their transobturator-sacrospinal fixation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comprehensive clinical examination and surgical treatment of 22 patients aged 53–68 years with enterocele who had undergone surgical interventions for various forms of POP, were conducted. All patients underwent surgery using the surgical technique developed for enterocele correction using an original “titanium silk” mesh implant model with transobturator-sacrospinal fastening. Outpatient monitoring of patients in the early and delayed postoperative periods was carried out after 1, 6, 12, and 24 months.

RESULTS: During dynamic follow-up, patients were satisfied with the results of the surgical treatment, POP symptoms were stable, and no signs of relapse and mesh-associated complications were observed.

CONCLUSION: The study confirmed the effectiveness and safety of a new surgical technique for enterocele correction using an original model of a mesh implant “titanium silk” with transobturator-sacrospinal fixation in patients with enterocele who had undergone surgery in the past for various forms of POP. However, further research in this direction is needed.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):159-168
pages 159-168 views
Biochemical parameters of the retroplacental blood in preeclampsia
Samusevich A.N., Samokhodskaya L.M., Proskurnina E.V., Ignatko I.V., Panina O.B.

BACKGROUND: The efficiency of existing methods of predicting preeclampsia is far from 100%, which dictates the need to search for new additional markers. Retroplacental blood is a unique and practically unstudied biological substrate, and its composition probably influences the course of pregnancy. This study aimed to investigate the biochemical parameters of retroplacental blood in preeclampsia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 53 pregnant women who were divided into two groups: the first group had normal pregnancy (n=28), and the second group had severe preeclampsia (n=25). All pregnant women underwent cesarean section at delivery. Peripheral and retroplacental blood sera were examined. Sampling was performed immediately after mechanical separation of the placenta and separation of the afterbirth. Levels of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, total and direct bilirubin, glucose, and uric acid were determined on a Beckman Coulter AU480 biochemical analyzer (Germany).

RESULTS: The biochemical composition of retroplacental and peripheral blood showed significant differences (p <0.05). In physiologic pregnancy, the levels of ALT, AST, LDH, urea, creatinine, direct bilirubin, and uric acid were significantly (p <0.05) higher by 1.9, 20.1, 11.4, 1.14, 1.19, 2.0, and 1.15 times, respectively, whereas glucose levels were 1.5 times lower in the retroplacental blood. In patients with severe preeclampsia, the levels of AST, LDH, creatinine, total and direct bilirubin, and uric acid were significantly (p <0.05) increased in retroplacental blood by 11.7, 11.5, 1.3, 1.2, 2.2, and 1.11 times, respectively, and glucose levels decreased 1.57 times. When comparing the biochemical composition of the peripheral blood of the first and second groups, reliable differences (p <0.05) were noted only in ALT, AST, total protein, albumin, urea, and creatinine. However, in the retroplacental blood under physiologic pregnancy and preeclampsia, significant differences (p <0.05) were found only for urea, creatinine, and uric acid levels.

CONCLUSION: The study of the biochemical composition of the retroplacental blood can provide a more complete picture of the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):169-178
pages 169-178 views
Epigenetic mechanisms of preeclampsia: Role of plasma microRNAs
Nikitina N.A., Sidorova I.S., Raygorodskaya M.P., Morozova E.A., Timofeev S.A., Ageev M.B., Amiraslanova N.I.

BACKGROUND: Despite the retentive relevance of preeclampsia (PE) among the main causes of maternal morbidity and mortality, its etiology remains unclear. Despite gaps in its pathophysiology, highly effective methods of prognosis, prevention, and treatment are still not devised yet. In recent years, the use of microRNA molecules that epigenetically control the expression of target genes at the post-transcriptional level received great interest as are they of key importance in the proliferation, differentiation, invasion, migration, and apoptosis of trophoblast cells and regulation of angiogenesis, immune response, and other processes during pregnancy

AIM: This study aimed to investigate the epigenetic mechanisms of PE development based on the evaluation of the expression of pathogenetically significant microRNAs in women’s blood plasma.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 62 female patients divided into the main study group (n=42 with PE) and the control group (n = 20 healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy, childbirth, and post-natal period). All patients have undergone general clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examinations. The expression levels of 15 microRNAs in the blood plasma were evaluated using a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. DIANA miRPath v. 3.0 was used to evaluate the effect of differentially expressed microRNAs on the functioning of signaling pathways. Statistical data analyses were performed using Statistica 6.0.

RESULTS: Multidirectional changes in the expression levels of 13 of 15 plasma microRNAs were found in the PE group compared with the control group; however, the expression levels of the following eight microRNAs decreased significantly: hsa-miR-146a-5p (p=0.011), hsa-miR-181a-5p (p=0.015), hsa-miR-210-3p (p=0.031), hsa-miR-517a-3p (p=0.004), hsa-miR-517c-3p (p=0.007), hsa-miR-574-3p (p=0.048), hsa-miR-574-5p (p=0.003), and hsa-miR-1304-5p (p=0.001). The expression levels of hsa-miR-20a-5p (FC=0.39; p=0.049) and hsa-miR-143-3p (FC=0.71, p=0.05) significantly decreased in pregnant women with PE and symptoms of fetal growth retardation (FGR) compared with the subgroup without FGR. No significant differences in the expression level of the analyzed microRNAs were found between the subgroups with moderate and severe PE and early and late PE. The functional evaluation of differentially expressed microRNAs among women with PE, considering the identification of their potential target genes, revealed the dysregulation of >40 signaling pathways and biological processes in which these molecules are involved.

CONCLUSION: PE progresses alongside significant epigenetic changes accompanied by changes in the microRNA expression profile, which are associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and placental disorders. The detected differentially expressed microRNAs may be potential diagnostic markers of PE.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):179-192
pages 179-192 views
Metroplasty in the delivery of pregnant women with a history of two cesarean sections
Tarasova K.V., Musin I.I., Yaschuk A.G., Berg E.A., Nasyrova S.F., Gareev E.M.

AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of metroplasty at the stage of abdominal delivery in women who had undergone two cesarean section operations.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2020 and 2022, 150 pregnant women were examined. The patients were divided into three groups: the first group included pregnant women who had undergone one cesarean section, and the second group included those with two operations. In these groups, metroplasty was performed at the stage of delivery. The third group (control group) included pregnant women with a history of two cesarean sections who underwent surgical delivery without excision of the scar tissue in the lower segment. Metroplasty was performed before fetal retrieval with the whole fetal bladder in accordance with the patent “method of metroplasty during operative delivery in women with two or more cesarean sections.” To assess the dynamics of changes in scar thickness, all women underwent ultrasound examination 2 h, 3 days, and 6 months after delivery.

RESULTS: Resection of the scar area on the uterus during repeated cesarean sections improved the residual thickness of the myometrium, which was determined by ultrasound examination 6 months after the operation.

CONCLUSION: The proposed technique allows the formation of a functionally sound scar on the uterus after two cesarean sections.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):193-202
pages 193-202 views
Reproductive health of adolescent girls with overweight and obesity living in a large industrial region
Antipov M.S., Zharkin N.A., Barinova I.A., Sherbakova S.V., Temirova D.B.

AIM: This study aimed to assess the reproductive health of adolescent girls with obesity living in a large industrial territory.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A one-time study was conducted on 105 teenage girls aged 15–17 years. The main group consisted of 70 girls with overweight and obesity, who were divided into a group with menstrual irregularities (N1=42) and without disorders (N2=28). The control group included 35 girls with normal body weight and no menstrual irregularities. Morbidity was studied. Body mass index (BMI), pituitary (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH], follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone) and sex hormones (estradiol, DHEA-SO4, AMH, and testosterone), alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total cholesterol, and ultrasound data of the thyroid gland and abdominal organs were determined. A quantitative assessment of treatment adherence and lifestyle modification was performed.

RESULTS: The average BMI values in the main and control groups were 31.1 (4.9) and 20.0 (1.9) kg/m2, respectively (p <0.001). A statistically significant predominance of the incidence of cardiovascular pathologies was found in the main group (χ2=2.58, p=0.014; OR=5.7; 95% CI, 1.2–26.2), as well as a more frequent occurrence of urinary tract, nervous system, and endocrine diseases. In the main group, echographic signs of liver and pancreatic pathologies were detected in 22 (31.4%) girls and diffuse changes in the thyroid gland in combination with cystic formations or hypoplasia in 31 (44.0%). The number of antral follicles was normal in all patients. A statistically significant difference in TSH (p <0.001), LH (p=0.015), and DHEA-SO4 (p=0.002) was obtained between the main and control groups. Adolescents aged 15 years were more adherent to treatment (χ2=13.28; p=0.003).

CONCLUSION: Statistically significant differences in clinical and laboratory data and treatment adherence were found in adolescent girls with overweight and obesity living in a large industrial region when compared with healthy girls, which dictates the need to improve and implement personalized medical and psychological programs.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):203-212
pages 203-212 views

Clinical case reports

Surgical techniques in the treatment of a patient of reproductive age with giant uterine myoma
Ishchenko A.I., Ishchenko A.A., Khokhlova I.D., Dzhibladze T.A., Komarova A.D., Gorbenko O.Y., Gadaeva I.V., Chushkov Y.V., Tevlina E.V., Ageev M.B., Ozdemir A.G.

The paper presented a clinical case of organ-saving surgical treatment for giant uterine myoma with secondary changes in a 36-year-old woman with unrealized reproductive function. The case testifies to the expediency of an individual approach to each patient with such neoplasms both at examination and during intra- and postoperative management.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):213-220
pages 213-220 views
Delivery and organ-preserving surgery in a woman with high-risk uterine myoma
Yashchuk A.G., Iskandarova A.R., Gurova Z.G., Musin I.I., Klyavlina M.Y.

This study presents a clinical case from the practice of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Bashkortostan “CCPC” in Ufa regarding an organ-preserving operation in a woman with high-risk uterine myoma of isthmus localization that shifted to the posterior wall of the uterus. In May 2023, at 39 weeks of gestation, patient T. was scheduled for a planned operative delivery by cesarean section, followed by conservative myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids). The indication for surgery was uterine fibroids of isthmus localization with transition to the posterior wall of the uterus, which made vaginal delivery impossible. In this patient, uterine fibroids were discovered during pregnancy. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed. At routine ultrasound screenings, uterine fibroids of isthmus localization measuring 123×99×112 mm without malnutrition of the node were noted. MRI confirmed the diagnosis of large uterine fibroids. A transverse suprapubic laparotomy was performed. The first stage of the combined operation was a cesarean section in the lower segment, and a live full-term boy (weight, 3,480 g; height, 53 cm; Apgar score, 7–8–9 points) was extracted. During the revision of the pelvic organs, a myomatous node was found in the isthmus with a transition to the posterior wall of the uterus, measuring 100×120 mm, without signs of necrosis. Conservative myomectomy without penetration into the uterine cavity was performed. The bed was sutured using separate sutures, and hemostasis was achieved. The myomatous node weighed 570 g. In this clinical case, a favorable full-term pregnancy was possible despite the high-risk uterine fibroids, large sizes, and atypical localization. Combined organ-preserving operations are currently being carried out, which enable a woman to preserve the organ and further realize her reproductive potential.

V.F.Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;11(2):221-227
pages 221-227 views

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